3 Spruce Ln, Center Ossipee, NH

3 Spruce Ln, Center Ossipee, NH
Mon - Sat 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Charges for extra bags will be added to your monthly bill.
Regular Kitchen Bags (13 gallon) $2.00
(30 gallon bags) $3.00
Contractor Bags Are Considered 2 Kitchen Bags (42 gallon) $4.00
Please bag and tie all trash
Please keep all bags under 50 lbs. in weight
Please flatten all cardboard and keep pieces shorter than 4' in length
Payments will be accepted online thru quickbooks, Credit Card. If you pay monthly this service is available.
If you prefer to mail a check there will be a $25.00 dollar charge for any returned or bounced checks.
Or you have the option of billpay through your bank.
Please note that we cannot take any of the following with your curbside pickup.If you need any of these items removed, please give us a call or email us!
Construction and demolition materials
Yard waste
Hazardous waste
Bulky items
Animal Carcass
Invoices be sent out at the beginning of the month, with a 15 day grace period.
If you are not able to make a payment at that time and do not contact us, you will be Shut off from the pick up schedule after 60 days.